The Ultimate Guide To Social Media Recruiting

Ruehie Jaiya Karri
4 min readOct 18, 2021
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Since the pandemic first hit in 2020, it has shuttered offices and industries had to adapt on the fly to continue working remotely. The tech industry needed to throw out ancient processes and discover newer avenues, especially in the field of tech recruiting. If you guessed where I’m heading with this, then you are on the right track!

Yes, I am talking about social media, its massive reach, and one form of recruiting that has shot into the limelight — Social Recruiting. Tapping into brand new spheres of talent while adopting creative recruiting strategies is the crux of social recruiting.

Although this particular form of recruiting has been around since 2008, it has become the need of the hour and a weapon to have in your corner with the pandemic rendering everything to a remote workspace. A study by Pew Research Centre found that a whopping 72% of Americans surveyed use social media heavily. This should put into perspective the large number of promising candidates you as a recruiter are not considering by failing to use social media for hiring purposes.

Here are our 2 cents on everything you need to know about social recruiting and how to kill it #likeapro, true social media style!

What is social recruiting?

Social recruiting or social hiring is a talent acquisition strategy that refers to the use of social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to source and hire candidates. You can narrow down your target audience to quickly and effectively find candidates who are the right fit for your company.

Why traditional recruiting methods will no longer cut it

The global talent, mainly Gen Z do not spend time scouring newspapers for job vacancies, rather they are busy switching between Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram on their phone. Posting job ads on social media is easy, attracts a wider, more diverse pool of candidates, and is cheaper.

Bidding adios to the old ways of recruitment has become necessary to stay competitive in these fast-paced, digital-forward times. It has been proven multiple times that the traditional approach towards recruiting brings no diversity to the company, stagnates growth, eliminates a large pool of passive candidates, and lowers profits in the long run.

Providing relief to time-consuming, archaic hiring practices is the new age social recruiting approach that is considerably cost-effective with a greater chance of bridging the ever-widening gap between recruiters and talented job seekers.

Pitfalls of social recruiting

Now that you’re sold on the awesomeness of social recruiting, there are some DON’Ts that you need to take note of before you kickstart your social hiring journey.

  • Don’t jump headlong into social media without a cohesive plan in place. Nobody is interested in being bombarded with generic content across different social media platforms. Identify your goals, tailor your strategy according to each platform, and measure ROI periodically to see what is working.
  • Not creating quality content to best showcase your brand, company values, workplace culture, etc., and simply posting job vacancies will never attract or engage potential candidates. Bring the personal factor to your hiring strategy, nurture relationships via your content, and maintain consistency in your efforts.
  • Don’t forget to take stock of your efforts regularly. Choose key metrics like reach, engagement, and conversion to measure activity; the results should guide your way forward.

Bonus Content

Boost your social recruiting efforts with this CHEAT SHEET. Download your exclusive copy to take offline and distribute to your team.

We have distilled tried and tested strategies that work for social recruiting into a cheat sheet, to simplify the process for you. There is a bonus takeaway included in the guide as well that helps you tailor your strategy for each social media channel.

Leverage social recruiting like a pro

Social hiring is fast becoming the most effective hiring tactic in 2021. It enables you to showcase your company culture, reach a larger talent pool, be authentic and connect with your ideal candidates. As Gen Z and millennials make up more and more of the workforce, social media dictates the hiring strategies for recruiters to leverage upon.

Are your potential candidates on social media? Then your recruiting efforts should be, too.

My article was originally published on



Ruehie Jaiya Karri

Writer @HackerEarth. I write about Tech || Recruiting || D&I. Subscribe to my newsletter, The Hire Wire —